What a wonderful reality! Yes…reality!
So many societies raise people to believe that is it a dog eat dog world (especially in those places in the world that are densely populated such as my current home of Asia.)
I agree we all have very busy lives with many things to accomplish for ourselves and our loved ones but there are certainly times when we can help connect people, share information and encourage people that won’t take long but can mean so much.
Today I would like to focus on the more manageable…the small gestures in life that have been forgotten by so many. These include, holding a door open for someone, giving a shop assistant who is clearly having a bad day a smile they can take home or stopping someone to tell them they look lovely? It doesn’t take long but it can change someone’s day. (It really can).
What is often more surprising to people is that while they may set the intention to add a little happy to someone else’s day, the positive/uplifting/life giving result is tenfold for them. If you don’t believe it, try it.
It is amazing how wonderful it feels to know that you have made a difference in someone’s life and while you may not immediately see it or feel it, the Universe will acknowledge and reward you too.
Start small but start today. Commit to making one person’s life just a little bit better and before you know it, you may well have found a new (extremely healthy) addiction.
To an Exceptional Existence,
Twitter: E_existence
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